In 1972, Alexan Commercial was established to distribute semiconductor components when ICs (Integrated Circuit) were still new in the Philippines. The company was incorporated as Ace Electronic Technology, Inc., in 1997. It has grown from a simple retailing company to one that caters to a wider range of clientele for over four (4) decades.

At present, Alexan carries extensive lines of electronic components, production tools, test instruments, universal programmers, and equipment from leading manufacturers. In line with its objective of providing quality products and introducing new technology, Alexan obtained distributorship from world-leading manufacturers such as Meanwell, Belfuse-Stewart, Rigol, Power-On and Hi-Lo Systems and invested in research and development to support these products effectively.

Alexan’s proficiency in R&D, especially in microcontroller applications, is proven by dozens of in-house developed products that have shown their potentials for local and foreign markets—some of these are power-on-delay, digital power supply, taximeters, to name a few.  This expertise is also offered for our customers’ OEM, ODM, and turnkey project requirements.  Some of these are the grain moisture meter (SHEGA III) manufactured in cooperation with BPRE (Bureau of Post Harvest Research and Expansion), the DM-705 low-cost digital multimeter a joint project with DOST-Technicom (Department of Science and Technology) and most recently, the wood moisture meter which was a joint project with FPRDI (Forest Products Research and Development Institute).  Alexan also develops its own customized displays such as indoor moving display systems, digital clock systems, queuing system, scoreboards and production boards.

To provide students with the necessary learning tools for their electronics education, Alexan designed its own trainer for Zilog microcontrollers in 2003.  Publication of a series of theoretical and laboratory-based books followed which help schools, colleges and universities in the learning process of their students.  Alexan’s commitment to introduce new technology to its customers prompted the design of the Atmel-based MCU programmer and trainers in 2006 and subsequently in 2007.  In the succeeding years, Alexan has also released different Arduino (which we call AceDuino) modules and an updated digital trainer.

To further service its growing clientele, Alexan expanded its product line to include complementary and support products, particularly educational and professional books. The wide selection of titles varies from business and management, computer, industrial technology and technical (engineering) books, acquired from renowned publishers like McGraw-Hill Education, Pearson, John Wiley and Sons, Cengage Learning (formerly Thomson Learning), Elsevier, World Scientific Publishing, Edward Elgar Publishing and APD Singapore, to name a few.

To date, Alexan has 3 branches.  Through these, Alexan has made its prices more competitive while maintaining the same quality for the benefit of its customers: the professionals, the academe, students and hobbyists. Alexan has maintained its tradition of excellence and quality to provide its clients the same efficient service and more access to advanced products that Alexan is known for.

As its long-term goal, Alexan aims to establish closer ties with the academe. It believes that the convergence of the academe’s strong educational foundation and the industry’s application of these tools will help in shaping the country’s future engineers.


To be a major component supplier in the Phillippines.


To help local electronics industry start up its research and development activities.