Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the main office located?

#12 Timog Ave, Diliman, Quezon City, Metro Manila View Map

What are the contact number(s) of Alexan?

Telephone Numbers: (632)243-3327, (632)243-3328 and (632)241-9493
Fax Number: (632)241-9491
[email protected]
– Inquiries, promos and bulk orders on books
[email protected]
– HR related concerns, job applications and openings
[email protected]
– Sales/Marketing concerns, inquiries, promos and bulk orders
[email protected]
– Technical Support

Does Alexan have branches?

Yes. We have 3 branches — SM Megamall, Raon and Timog Avenue

Does Alexan have a device programming service?

Yes. You may submit your ICs for programming at any of our branches. For faster service, you may go to our main office directly. Programming charges depend on the IC/s to be programmed. Take note that not all ICs can be programmed by Alexan.

Does Alexan have a repair service on kits and assembled units

Yes? You may submit your kits and assembled units for repair at any of our branches. Make sure to provide your contact information so that our customer service staff can inform you of the repair status. Repair charges depend on several factors such as service warranty available, damaged parts replaced, and if repair needed to be sent abroad.

Does Alexan have a warranty period on newly purchased units?

Yes. Service warranty period for assembled units is 1 year from the date of purchase unless otherwise stated. If purchased units are submitted to our repair section, parts replaced will be charged accordingly. There will be no service charge during warranty period, but customer’s invoice should be presented and attached to the unit as proof of purchase and warranty.

Service warranty is void if Alexan service warranty seal is tampered. If invoice is not available, unit for repair will be considered beyond warranty and applicable costs will be charged.

I forgot to get my kit/unit that was sent for repair after being notified. Can I still claim it?

Alexan reserves the right to dispose repaired units if left unclaimed within 1 year from the date of the repair slip.

What is the "Return/Exchange" policy of Alexan?

Customers must return/exchange items within 24 hours from the date of purchase. Sales invoice must be presented as well as the item/s for return/exchange. Customers are allowed to exchange items that are of greater amount than that of the returned item. If the returned item is an IC or an assembled unit, the item will be sent to repair section first before a return/exchange is issued to the customer.

Does Alexan sell assembled kits?

Yes. Alexan may also pre-assemble kits. Please contact us for more details.

Does Alexan do custom-made products?

It depends on what kind of product it is. Please provide the complete specification of the custom-made product to our main office.